
Blog Post


Refusal to Reform

Self-defeating journey that Pakistan embarked upon with Jihadist mindset has rendered Shimla agreement ineffective & unworkable. Rohan Giri Fifty two years back, Shimla accord inked on July 2, 1972 by then Bharat’s Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and Pakistan’s President Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, bears testimony to Islamabad’s refusal to learn its lessons. It’s also a missed […]

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Explainer: Jammu and Kashmir Sankalp Diwas

In aftermath of India’s independence and subsequent Partition of earstwhile British occupied India, Princely States were vested with the prerogative to decide their accession to either the dominion of India or Pakistan, contingent upon geographical coherence as per Indian Independence Act of 1947. This foundational principle was disrupted on the night of October 22/23, 1947, […]

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Trudeau’s Lost Plot with India

Trudeau’s political gambits with Canada-based extremists threaten to undermine the fabric of Canada’s national interests, casting a long shadow over its democratic values and international relations, especially with India. Rahul PAWA  In a development that could further complicate the already strained ties between Ottawa and New Delhi, a commission established by the Trudeau administration to […]

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Technology Paradox!

Manipulation in technology becomes an effective tool with terrorists, fraudsters and dictates political conversations posing fresh challenges to humanity K.A.Badarinath Technology works weirdly. Human mind behind evolving technologies globally is all the more weird. When Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a call to undertake research in areas of technology, innovation and development to further socio-economic […]

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Chinese Puppetry on Show!

Probing charges of money laundering, peddling of Chinese propaganda by NewsClick is not suppression of press freedom  K.A.Badarinath Noise on suppression of press freedom and free speech has not yet reached a crescendo. This noise has just begun in India with Left parties, their frontal organizations and anti-Modi political alliance partners going for the kill. […]

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