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Fresh Set of Challenges for Modi 3.0

Fresh Set of Challenges for Modi 3.0

Khalistanis, Naxalites, Kashmiri subversives gaining legitimacy in Parliament demands fresh thinking and strategy K.A.Badarinath As Bharat’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi readies to take reins at centre for a third consecutive term, challenges, known and unknown may have to be dealt with on priority basis. Commentators of every hue and shade have written copiously on Prime …

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Brief: Foreign Media, Political Players in Bharat’s Elections

Brief: Foreign Media, Political Players in Bharat’s Elections

Bharat, a country with 1.4 billion population and over 968.8 million registered voters, is in the midst of largest democratic exercise of franchise in seven phases over two months ending on June 4. In the midst of election fury, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Bellari, the mining town in the country’s southern state of …

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Time for US to Take Extradition of Terrorists Rana and Headley to India Seriously

Time for US to Take Extradition of Terrorists Rana and Headley to India Seriously

Washington and Ottawa have discarded Bharat’s national security concerns by not extraditing terrorists, David Coleman Headley & Tahawwur Rana Rahul Pawa Bharat has come under scrutiny of Western powers especially United States and Canada along with routine rhetorical accusations from Pakistani military officials on New Delhi’s involvement in elimination of terrorists on foreign shores. This …

Time for US to Take Extradition of Terrorists Rana and Headley to India Seriously Read More »

Fuelling Discontent Dishonestly

Fuelling Discontent Dishonestly

Ziya Us Salam’s propagandist anti-Hindu book, “Being Muslim in Hindu India” promoted by habitual offender The New York Times Dr Shailendra Kumar Pathak The book, “Being Muslim in Hindu India,” by Ziya Us Salam, an author infamous for his agenda driven writings has sparked controversy and debate, particularly due to its propagation of what many …

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Canada Unsafe for Indians & Hindus

Recent years have posed significant challenges to Canada’s reputation as a safe destination for immigrants, particularly for Indians. Nation’s appeal as a place of opportunity and inclusivity notwithstanding, reports of hate crimes, violence against Indians, Hindus and racial prejudice have increased. This radicalism and governmental biases have mounted concerns regarding safety. (Author Pummy Pandita is …

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Exposing Inaccuracies: A Sharp Critique of the US State Department's Human Rights Report

Exposing Inaccuracies: A Sharp Critique of the US State Department’s Human Rights Report

Rohan Giri US State Department’s annual human rights report for 2023 on Bharat (India)[1] appears to have lost credibility in its assessment of human rights incidents. It’s latest edition brings forth numerous significant issues that necessitate a response. Unfortunately, the report’s depiction of Bharat’s human rights landscape suffers from a noticeable agenda, undermining its own …

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What’s Ailing Foreign Media in India?

What’s Ailing Foreign Media in India?

Is it lack of press freedom? Or, limited skills sets to report from a large, diverse country like Bharat that has bowled them over? K.A.Badarinath Why’s it that global media operating in Bharat is acerbic? Being bitter or sour on substantive work issues is understandable given that Bharat may look complex for many of them. …

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Bharat Championing

Bharat Championing Global Humanitarian Leadership

Citizenship Amendment Act unequivocally embodies Bharat’s commitment to provide sanctuary to persecuted minorities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan Rahul Pawa In a historic move that ignited a firestorm of debate both within and internationally, Bharat’s Parliament took a decisive step on December 11, 2019 by passing Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA). This landmark legislation marked a …

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Bangladeshi Hindus Face Religious Persecution

The book brings to fore sexual assault, rapes, extreme inhuman discrimination perpetuated by Muslim vandals on minority Hindus. Prakhar Sharma “Being Hindu In Bangladesh” is documentation of a narrative often sidelined in mainstream discourse. Authored by Deep Halder, an esteemed editor and Avishek Biswas, a seasoned professor, this publication offers first-hand account of the lives …

Bangladeshi Hindus Face Religious Persecution Read More »

Jinnah’s Fallacy Commemorated as Pakistan’s National Day!

The Lahore Resolution, aka Pakistan Resolution, written by Sher-e-Bangla A.K. Fazlul Huq, said that Muslims in India were a separate country with their own social, religious, and cultural identities. It called for the creation of independent states in areas where Muslims predominated. Despite the resolution’s own lack of mention of the term “Pakistan,” it planted …

Jinnah’s Fallacy Commemorated as Pakistan’s National Day! Read More »