
Blog Post


Crude critical, data for development

G-20 can develop a global framework to deal with data to ensure inclusiveness, spread prosperity and contain rouge states K.A.Badarinath Data is the new oil for humanity in near future. There’s no escaping from this reality. As a consequence, data security, management and governance are the new focus areas for both governments and private enterprises […]

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Exploring the Metaverse

Prachi Mishra / New Delhi Whether in virtual reality or augmented reality, the promise of the metaverse allows a greater overlap of our digital and physical lives. As Zuckerberg has claimed in his keynote address this year, Metavsere will alter conventional reality. The way people make wealth, view productivity, shop, and seek entertainment will all […]

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War Room to Fight Cyber Wars, Secure Economy

A comprehensive policy must be put together to ring fence cyber fraudsters, mafia and hackers to insulate Indian financial markets K.A.Badarinath / New Delhi Even as RBI readies its plans to launch digital rupee later this year, government and banking regulator’s big focus will have to be on insulating Indian economy from cyber frauds, graft […]

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