
Blog Post


China’s Camp David Moment?

Weaponizing economic prowess, military might and expansionist doctrines may limit China’s role notwithstanding Saudi Iran deal Dr Amritpal Kaur Camp David Accord of 1978 was a diplomatic coup for President Jimmy Carter. It was an Accord that brought open hostilities between Israel and Egypt to an end and peace in Sinai Peninsula. Though President Sadat […]

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Bhutan, Bharat, bhai bhai !

China’s intrusive prevarication may not turn New Delhi – Thimphu relations sour. Trying dirty tricks as in Nepal may not work to Beijing’s advantage Rohan Giri  / New Delhi As of now China has emerged as minor distraction in India and Bhutanese relations that span over millennia, civilizational ties with strong bonds of friendship and […]

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Pakistan flounders, Sri Lanka enlist allies

Virtual isolation of Pakistan makes its economic revival difficult while growing support may quickly get Sri Lanka on path to normalcy K.A.Badarinath It’s the tale of two South Asian economies that continue to provide jitters to analysts and policymakers alike. Pakistan and Sri Lankan economies facing tumult are pictures in contrast. The two Indian neighbours […]

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India, a natural Nepal pal

Hands off New Delhi policy towards Kathmandu vis-à-vis expansionist China will work wonders for Prachanda’s regime K.A.Badarinath Nepal is on tumult. As expected, a big chunk of China inspired Maoists and Marxists that failed to co-exist previously have got back to rule the mountain kingdom that have seen about ten swearings-in and out in as […]

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China braces to play dirty in Nepal

Delicate political applecart has the potential to throw up a storm given multiple coalition partners, communists &Maoists may go Beijing way! Rohan Giri Himalayan Kingdom Nepal is going through trying times as no single party would enjoy even simple majority in the Parliament following the November 20 elections. Having said this, the five-party alliance led […]

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New India’s Rupee Goes Global & Dematerialized!

Oil and gas deals, gold imports, small & medium ticket trade payments must be settled in rupees. Russia jumping on to the rupee bandwagon is a big breakthrough even as India readies to overtake Germany as third largest economy.   K.A.Badarinath Two significant developments this week have made the trajectory on Indian rupee very clear. […]

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Tolerate Xi, No Other Option

Western powers may shudder at third term for Chinese President, India may be uneasy with the pit-bull, but then does world have a say? K.A.Badarinath “Over throw the dictator” posters and banners that donned Sitong Bridge overpass in Beijing. Similarly thousands of Chinese people gathered at one of the suburban town 45-kilometres away on eastern […]

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Economic Divergence Unfolds

India has emerged as fastest growing economy with 8.7 per cent surge while China struggled to stay afloat with $ 5.5 trillion package  K.A.Badarinath It’s a tale in contrast. The two countries have always been viewed as competitors to gain global footprint, acceptability and reach. Presently, the two nations in question are going through a […]

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