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Social Harmony, RSS Transformative Blueprint

Educational initiatives, cultural engagement, community service and conflict resolution to be vehicles to achieve harmony

Dr Shailendra Kumar Pathak

In contemporary Bharat, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has emerged as pivot for Bharat’s socio-cultural fabric, advocating principles deeply rooted in fostering social harmony. At its core, RSS promotes a vision of unity transcending religious, linguistic and regional boundaries thereby emphasizing cohesive national identity.

Central to its philosophy is the belief in innate unity of all Bharatiyas, irrespective of diversity, aiming to forge a collective strength through cultural rejuvenation and societal uplift.

RSS endeavours to cultivate a society where mutual respect, understanding and cooperation prevail among different communities. Through its extensive network of Shakhas (basic units or branches) and socio-cultural initiatives, RSS promotes values of discipline, patriotism and social responsibility aimed at building a harmonious environment conducive to national progress. This commitment to social harmony is underpinned by its efforts in disaster relief, education and healthcare reflecting a holistic approach to building a strong and disciplined nation.

Social harmony refers to peaceful and cooperative coexistence of diverse groups within a society. It encompasses mutual respect, understanding and integration of various cultural, religious, and social backgrounds. In a country as diverse as Bharat, achieving social harmony is both a challenge and a necessity. RSS, through its numerous initiatives, strives to bridge gaps between different communities, fostering a sense of national unity and collective identity.

Social harmony refers to peaceful coexistence of various groups, characterized by mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation. It is essential for several reasons:

  1. A harmonious society reduces the likelihood of conflicts and violence, promoting stability and peace.
  2. When people work together harmoniously, economic activities flourish, leading to growth and development.
  3. Social harmony allows for exchange and preservation of diverse cultural practices, enriching the community.
  4. It fosters a sense of belonging and unity, essential for national integration and progress.

Its importance notwithstanding, achieving social harmony is fraught with challenges:

  1. Bharat’s rich tapestry of cultures, religious faiths and denominations can sometimes lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.
  2. Economic inequalities can breed resentment and social unrest.
  3. Diverse political ideologies and agendas often exploit social differences, deepening divides.
  4. Past injustices and historical grievances can fuel present-day tensions.

RSS, founded in 1925 by Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar has always advocated for a united and strong Bharat. Historically, the organization has worked towards mitigating social divisions whether they are based on caste, region, religion, or ethnicity. Sangh’s emphasis on “Hindutva” is often misunderstood; it is not about religious dominance but rather about cultural inclusivity and national pride. Hindutva, in the RSS lexicon, seeks to bring together various cultural strands that make up Bharatiya identity.

Since 1983, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has emphasized on concept of “Samarasata” (harmony). Veteran RSS member and thinker Dattopant Thengadi introduced the term in a social context, coining the phrase, “Samajik Samarasata” (social harmony). This led to formation of the Samajik Samarasata Manch in Maharashtra that promoted the idea of equality which was not possible without harmony. The term sparked debates with critics arguing that it perpetuated inequality and Manuvad. However, understanding RSS’s interpretation of Samarasata is crucial.

Equality, freedom and fraternity, principles enshrined in Bharat’s Constitution are interconnected. The preamble originally lacked fraternity. But, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar added it, recognizing its importance for national unity. European and American revolutions focused on political freedom and equality, but their societal contexts differed from Bharat’s, where caste-based inequality prevailed. Ambedkar emphasized that mere legal provisions for equality and freedom are insufficient without fraternity—a sense of brotherhood fostering social equality.

Fraternity, a state of mind, cannot be legislated but must be cultivated emotionally and metaphysical level, similar to family bonds. RSS aims to foster this sense of fraternity within Hindu society, historically divided by caste and language. Dr. Hedgewar, RSS founder, exemplified this through personal actions, promoting unity without preaching against untouchability. He demonstrated that genuine affinity could bridge social divides.

Sri Guruji, second Sarsanghchalak and subsequent RSS leaders continued this mission emphasizing service to marginalized communities. They promoted the idea that Samarasata is not just a principle but a lived practice, embodying freedom, equality and fraternity. RSS focuses on practical experiences of equality and fraternity, rather than mere rhetoric, fostering a deep sense of unity and shared humanity. This lived sense of affinity, cornerstone of RSS’s work, is viewed as essential for true social harmony.

RSS, through its various programmes and initiatives, aims to address these challenges and foster social harmony:

Educational Initiatives

  • Samskar Kendras are cultural and educational centers aimed at instilling values of unity and respect among children from diverse backgrounds.
  • RSS conducts regular workshops and seminars promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding.

Community Service

  • Seva Bharati is an RSS inspired organization that focuses on providing social services like healthcare, education and disaster relief fostering solidarity and mutual support.
  • Rural development programmes and initiatives aimed at improving socio-economic conditions in rural areas help bridging turban-rural divide.

Cultural Programmes

  • Organizing and celebrating festivals from different cultures and religions together promotes mutual respect and understanding.
  • Encouraging cultural exchanges between different communities helps break down stereotypes and build relationships.

Conflict Resolution

  • RSS often acts as a mediator in conflicts between different community groups, working towards peaceful resolutions.
  • Campaigns aimed at raising awareness about importance of social harmony and the dangers of divisiveness.

RSS’s efforts have yielded positive results in various regions:

  1. In regions like Assam and Manipur, RSS has played a crucial role in fostering peace and understanding among diverse ethnic groups.
  2. The organization’s work in tribal areas has helped integrate these communities into broader social fabric, promoting mutual respect and cooperation.
  3. In urban areas, RSS’s community programs have brought together people from different socio-economic backgrounds, fostering a sense of unity.

At National Executive Council of RSS held during March 14-17, 2024, a pledge for fostering social harmony was taken along with four other transformational ideas.

Social harmony is bedrock upon which other pillars of the RSS five-fold transformation stand:

  1. Environmental Conservation: A harmonious society is more likely to work collectively towards conserving environment. Shared values and mutual respect encourage collaborative efforts in environmental protection.
  2. Self-Reliance (Swa): Social harmony creates an environment conducive to self-reliance. Communities that trust and support each other are better equipped to achieve economic independence and self-sufficiency.
  3. Family Awakening: Families are building blocks of society. A harmonious social environment supports strong family units, which in turn contribute to overall stability and prosperity of society.
  4. Civic Duty: When individuals feel part of a harmonious community, they are more likely to engage in civic activities and take responsibility for well-being of their society.

Centennial & Beyond

As RSS heads for its centennial in 2025, it redoubles its commitment to these transformative ideals. Focus is not only on quantitative expansion reflected in increasing Shakhas or basic units but on qualitative growth. Dissemination of national thoughts, mobilization of righteous societal power and active engagement in democracy are central to this mission.

Social harmony is not merely an idealistic goal for RSS; it is a necessity for sustainable development of Bharat. In the context of RSS five-fold transformative ideas, social harmony acts as foundation upon which other pillars—environmental conservation, self-reliance, family awakening and civic duty—can be built. While challenges remain, RSS multifaceted approach to fostering unity, respect, and cooperation among Bharat’s diverse communities offers hope to a more harmonious and integrated society.

As Bharat continues to evolve, principles of social harmony advocated by RSS will play a crucial role in shaping a nation that is not only economically prosperous but socially cohesive and culturally inclusive.

Through education, community engagement, social service and a commitment to shared values, RSS aims to build a society where every individual, irrespective of their background, can contribute to and benefit from collective progress of nation.

(Author is a Delhi based researcher, Political Analyst & formerly an Assistant Professor of Political Science)

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