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Unleash India spirit!

Changing geo-political equations & global order has etched a key role for India as Vishwa Guru & Mitra, the most dependable ally K.A.Badarinath Prime Minister Narendra Modi put up a comprehensive socio-economic development plan before 1.4 billion Indians while delivering his tenth address from ramparts of iconic Red Fort. Given the grand plan that encapsulates …

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India\’s Space Supremacy on Ascent

Chandrayaan-3, ISRO\’s premier lunar exploration is a milestone in its path to achieving greater excellence, cost competitiveness and emerge as space power Rahul Pawa Human space exploration has predominantly been shaped by superpowers of the Cold War era, with US space agency, NASA and its Russian counterpart, Roscosmos leading the way. This is a thing …

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India\’s Space Supremacy on Ascent

Chandrayaan-3, ISRO\’s premier lunar exploration is a milestone in its path to achieving greater excellence, cost competitiveness and emerge as space power Rahul Pawa Human space exploration has predominantly been shaped by superpowers of the Cold War era, with US space agency, NASA and its Russian counterpart, Roscosmos leading the way. This is a thing …

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Good numbers, greater challenges!

Antyodaya combined with family centric approach and spiritual odyssey may provide holistic solution to war against poverty K.A.Badarinath It’s heartening that socio-economic development agenda pursued by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has begun to pay off rich dividends. On twelve development indicators that denote poverty levels, there has been substantive progress in the way 1.4 billion …

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De-risking to defanging currency, trade deals

Rupee, UPI, desi currency trade has taken world by storm. Prime Minister Modi thrust in France, UAE paying handsome dividends K.A. Badarinath Defanging to de-risking global trade and currency deals for India is what Prime Minister Narendra Modi achieved in his visit to France and United Arab Emirates (UAE) last week. Agreements concluded during Prime …

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Chinese Loan Apps: A Debt Trap to Death Trap

Rohan Chinese loan apps, which offer quick loans with minimal paperwork, have become increasingly popular among Indian borrowers. However, these apps have also been associated with incidents involving threats to borrowers and compromising their privacy. One distressing case occurred in Bangalore involving Tejas, a 22-year-old engineering student. Tejas faced severe torture from an agent due …

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Chandrayaan-3: Another feather in India\’s space odyssey

Prachi Mishra Chandrayaan-3, India\’s lunar mission, successfully launched on July 14, 2023 in the afternoon from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota. The launch was carried out using the powerful Launch Vehicle Mark-III (LVM3) rocket. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is responsible for managing the mission and overseeing the launch. With its origins …

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India\’s battle in the Skies: The Fight Against Pakistan\’s Terror Drones

RahulPAWA | @imrahulpawa Recently, skies over India have become a battleground for an insidious new threat – terror drones. The severity of this menace was laid bare once again yesterday when Indian security forces detected a drone that had violated Indian airspace and was flying in from Pakistan near the international border in Gurdaspur district …

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