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Quirky Chinese leadership undependable!

Retake ‘Aksai Chin’ under Chinese occupation, stop its draconian expansionist aggression and bring peace to Indian borders K.A.Badarinath China is at its old dark ways again. Otherwise, there’s no reason why three Indian Wushu sports persons from Arunachal Pradesh, Nyeman Wangsu, Onilu Tega and Mepung Lapgu, were given stapled visas. India’s Wushu team was to …

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Factsheet : Manipur\’s Recent Incident

Putting an end to violence, abuse is prerequisite to finding lasting solution to multi-tribe diverse Manipur state On recent undignified assault on Manipuri women and unrelenting ethnic clashes, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi stated that perpetrators of these crimes will not be spared or forgiven. An incident, where two Manipuri women of the Kuki tribe …

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Chinese Loan Apps: A Debt Trap to Death Trap

Rohan Chinese loan apps, which offer quick loans with minimal paperwork, have become increasingly popular among Indian borrowers. However, these apps have also been associated with incidents involving threats to borrowers and compromising their privacy. One distressing case occurred in Bangalore involving Tejas, a 22-year-old engineering student. Tejas faced severe torture from an agent due …

Chinese Loan Apps: A Debt Trap to Death Trap Read More »

Freedom of Expression or License to Incite? A Close Look at Khalistan Protests

Rohan Following the assassination of Hardeep Singh Nijjar, the leader of the Khalistan Tiger Force, some Khalistan supporters have made unsubstantiated allegations insinuating the involvement of Indian authorities in his murder. Consequently, a few Khalistani hardliners have disseminated a threatening poster displaying photographs of notable Indian diplomats based in the UK: High Commissioner Vikram K …

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U.S.-India Relations Forge New Frontiers with Technology and Defense Deals

Prachi Mishra The recent visit of Indian Prime Minister Modi to the United States resulted in several key technology deals, MoUs, and collaborations. With growing penetration of emerging technologies in the socio-economic-political and security fabric of nation states, it is imperative for global leaders to come together and work on challenges that impact everyone. The …

U.S.-India Relations Forge New Frontiers with Technology and Defense Deals Read More »

Sino-India Relations: Clashes and Dynamics

Rohan Giri The aggression by the Communist Party of China (CPC) through the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) along the Indian border has been a source of tension between India and China. The CPC\’s activities encompass infrastructure development, PLA buildup, and territorial assertions. One particular area of contention in the ongoing border contentions between the China …

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Jinnah’s Islamic Republic on verge of collapse

Lack of strong institutions in Pakistan, competing factional agendas, rampant corruption, Islamist terror, anti-India proclivity poses serious threat Rahul Pawa It’s a moment that will forever be etched in annals of history for chaos and audacity colliding in grim display. Imran Khan, chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and the country’s former Prime Minister was held …

Jinnah’s Islamic Republic on verge of collapse Read More »

Bad actors, bad for the world

Websites like Hindu Profiles that peddle hate, target individuals and organizations Hitler style should be regulated, taken down Prachi Mishra A dubious website christened as ‘Hindutva Profiles’ has targeted India’s 148 key social and political leaders for attacks by hatemongers and Hinduphobes. Yoga guru Ramadev, retired major general G.D. Bakshi to Union Information and Broadcasting …

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