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Does Global High table make sense without India?

Given her economic clout, global supply chains; responsible nuclear power & thriving open democracy, its India time under the Sun Dr Amritpal Kaur One representative benchmarks of post-second World War international order is the leading countries coming together for policy networking in the wake of cold war era ‘blocs’. Global engagement has taken a different …

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A Resolute Goal

Reform, transform and perform is the mantra that will fuel India’s grand standing as a developed nation by 2047 Rohan Giri India\’s Independence Day holds immense significance as it commemorates the nation\’s liberation from British colonial rule while embodying its journey to realize 1.4 billion people’s dreams. Prime Minister Narendra Modi address on this special …

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Good numbers, greater challenges!

Antyodaya combined with family centric approach and spiritual odyssey may provide holistic solution to war against poverty K.A.Badarinath It’s heartening that socio-economic development agenda pursued by Prime Minister Narendra Modi has begun to pay off rich dividends. On twelve development indicators that denote poverty levels, there has been substantive progress in the way 1.4 billion …

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U.S.-India Relations Forge New Frontiers with Technology and Defense Deals

Prachi Mishra The recent visit of Indian Prime Minister Modi to the United States resulted in several key technology deals, MoUs, and collaborations. With growing penetration of emerging technologies in the socio-economic-political and security fabric of nation states, it is imperative for global leaders to come together and work on challenges that impact everyone. The …

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Americans Roll Out the Red Carpet for PM Modi

Rahul Pawa | @imrahulpawa Prime Minister Modi\’s visit is expected to reinforce the Indo-US ties, which are firmly anchored in the shared values of democracy, diversity, and freedom. As both nations confront common global challenges, their collaboration continues to strengthen, fostering a promising future.Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi\’s ongoing four day state visit to the …

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Sceptre symbolizes cultural & civilizational unity

Dharmic rule is what Sengol signifies in New Parliament, its many notches above petty political bickering to score brownie points C.R.Kesavan On January 18, 1927, when the current Parliament building was inaugurated by Viceroy Lord Irwin, the ceremony was bereft of any vestige of Indian culture or “parampara”. In a stark but welcome contrast, when …

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Is it outright ignorance?

Western media\’s refusal to acknowledge India\’s Progress and transformative changes should be brought to closer scrutiny. K.A.Badarinath / Neha Dahiya Why’s it that several Western media editors are anti-India in their stance? Many media friends from Western world are either outright ignorant, pursue an editorial line given by their top management or oblivious to transformative …

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Does ‘The Guardian’ understand Hindu way of life?

Making intolerable, unsustainable charges of caste bias on Hindus in UK, US or elsewhere is untenable. Get your facts right! UK based ‘The Guardian’ editorial board has made a completely flawed off the mark comment on caste related issues in India. In the edition dated April 17, 2023, titled, \”\’Caste is anti-Asian hate\’: the activists …

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What ails ‘The Nation’?

Abolitionists’ magazine in US has gone topsy-turvy on Russia, India and Jews, Hindus; hogged headlines for its toxic work culture CIHS Desk Is US based weekly magazine ‘The Nation’ swinging wild, unpredictable and swayed by its beliefs on issues ignoring facts and realities? The drift from practicing classical liberalism to far Left and then to …

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