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Bharat Goes Whole Hog in Neighbourhood

Bharat Goes Whole Hog in Neighbourhood

Stability, progress and growth is what Bharat seeks to achieve in South Asia through its ‘neighbourhood first’ policy Dr Divya Gupta Post-independence in 1947, Bharat pursued a regional policy based on the principle that neighbours are important to national security and a market that can contribute to India’s economic development. Given the bipolar world order …

Bharat Goes Whole Hog in Neighbourhood Read More »

Pakistan-backed proxies continue to intensify hate crimes against Hindus worldwide.

As of today, Sanatan Dharma, one of the world\’s oldest faith, is practised by 1.3 billion people worldwide. It is abundantly known across every region around the world, that those who practise \”Sanatan Dharma,\” known as \”Sanatanis\” or \”Hindus,\” are peace-loving, law-abiding, progressive, open to assimilation, and very supportive of their local communities and neighbourhoods. …

Pakistan-backed proxies continue to intensify hate crimes against Hindus worldwide. Read More »