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Make a fundamental shift in Bharat’s economy!

Open Letter to Finance Minister Set ball rolling for playing role of Vishwa Guru, revisit globalization. Refrain from ‘Revdi’ culture, protect the vulnerable communities Madam Finance Minister, Magh Ekadashi Greetings! As you get ready to present tenth budget of BJP-led government under stewardship of Prime Minister on February 1, Centre for Integrated and Holistic Studies […]

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Explainer:India’s energy security

In the last few decades, nation states have become increasingly aware of the limited resources which surround them and have formulated pointed strategies to ensure they have sufficient energy resources to keep their economy running. In the last year, when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine deepened, global supply chains of raw energy material have […]

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Going green from grey!

Green hydrogen is the new energy frontier to conquer. India has the potential to decarbonize its economy, embark on clean journey to future and give tough competition to US and EU K.A.Badarinath Going green on energy front and decarbonizing Indian economy estimated to be US $ three trillion is a gigantic task for any government. […]

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Window of opportunity

Russia’s decision to ban oil exports to G-7, EU& Australia, China battling the Covid 19, India enters the big boys ring with an ace! K.A.Badarinath It’s advantage India. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to ban his country’s oil exports to G-7, European Union and Australia beginning February 1 for five months will open new window […]

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India, a natural Nepal pal

Hands off New Delhi policy towards Kathmandu vis-à-vis expansionist China will work wonders for Prachanda’s regime K.A.Badarinath Nepal is on tumult. As expected, a big chunk of China inspired Maoists and Marxists that failed to co-exist previously have got back to rule the mountain kingdom that have seen about ten swearings-in and out in as […]

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Crude critical, data for development

G-20 can develop a global framework to deal with data to ensure inclusiveness, spread prosperity and contain rouge states K.A.Badarinath Data is the new oil for humanity in near future. There’s no escaping from this reality. As a consequence, data security, management and governance are the new focus areas for both governments and private enterprises […]

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Drones for Development

Meghalaya transports medicines; Himachal uses drones to take apples to markets while rouge Pakistan exports drugs, arms and illicit money for terror K.A.Badarinath West Garo Hills district in Meghalaya has come trumps up for setting up the first centre at Jengjal sub-divisional hospital to deliver and distribute medicines to remotest parts through drones. An X3 […]

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