
Blog Post


Make the best with change in mind-set

Cooperatives can deliver $ one trillion economic expansion; provide work opportunities to millions and fuel boom in grassroots firms K.A.Badarinath Fourth pillar of Indian economy is on the resurrection mode. From state-owned public undertakings, private and foreign companies, cooperative enterprises considered as fourth engine of economic growth are in for a big makeover. Taking cooperatives […]

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Brief: Amazon’s Hindu bigotry challenged!

Anti-Indian and anti-Hindu groups have continually generated systematic and organised campaigns against Sanatan Dharma. Leading technology companies play a prominent part in the same. Amazon, an American multinational technology corporation, routinely builds a negative connotation of Hindutva, a positive and tolerant way of life for millions of Hindus around the world. Amazon’s removal of the […]

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Pakistan-backed proxies continue to intensify hate crimes against Hindus worldwide.

As of today, Sanatan Dharma, one of the world’s oldest faith, is practised by 1.3 billion people worldwide. It is abundantly known across every region around the world, that those who practise “Sanatan Dharma,” known as “Sanatanis” or “Hindus,” are peace-loving, law-abiding, progressive, open to assimilation, and very supportive of their local communities and neighbourhoods. […]

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Sanatan Dharma is the essence of Hindu Rashtra

Mohan Bhagwat, chief of Hindu centric Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) based in India speaks frequently and eloquently on issues like religious harmony, faith, Hinduness, Rashtra (nation or nationhood), Sanatan Dharma and essence of Hindu way of living. At the recent Dharma Bhaskar Awards programme at Nagpur, a western Indian city that also houses RSS headquarters, […]

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