
Blog Post


U.S.-India Relations Forge New Frontiers with Technology and Defense Deals

Prachi Mishra The recent visit of Indian Prime Minister Modi to the United States resulted in several key technology deals, MoUs, and collaborations. With growing penetration of emerging technologies in the socio-economic-political and security fabric of nation states, it is imperative for global leaders to come together and work on challenges that impact everyone. The […]

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Sino-India Relations: Clashes and Dynamics

Rohan Giri The aggression by the Communist Party of China (CPC) through the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) along the Indian border has been a source of tension between India and China. The CPC’s activities encompass infrastructure development, PLA buildup, and territorial assertions. One particular area of contention in the ongoing border contentions between the China […]

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French culture, core values under threat!

Entire Western Europe face challenges in integrating refugees & immigrants that are mostly Muslims, forging diverse & united society Rahul Pawa In the wake of tragic police shooting of Nahel M., a seventeen-year-old teenager of Algerian-Moroccan heritage in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre on Tuesday, June 27, 2023, French Republic finds itself engulfed in a […]

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India, smart power in the making!

G-2 – US and India – super power grouping may not work for either side. Emerging and critical tech at fulcrum of bilateral engagement K.A.Badarinath The very talk of stitching up G-2 super power group between US and India during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s state visit is rather an unforgettable moment. In a fluid global […]

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Ridiculing Hindutva is new fashion fad!

Textbooks revision in sync with new education policy, India’s contribution to science & technology must be taught. Prachi Mishra From magazines like Scientific American, Nature to British evolutionary biologist extraordinaire Richard Dawkins, many in global community seems to have been needlessly worked up about revision in syllabi for school going students in India. Dawkins, who […]

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Was education in India limited to high caste Hindus?

A lie was propagated as part of larger perception peddling by British imperialists to destroy indigenous systems that flourished across Dr Aniruddh Subhedar Indian history has been a subject of scholarly debates periodically. General perception prevalent was that education in pre-British colonial era being limited and exclusive to upper caste Hindus. People from lower castes […]

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