
Blog Post


Swami Vivekananda Unpacked Dharma for Global Communities

‘Us’ versus ‘them’ is passé. The great Bharatiya sage unveiled vedic vision of entire humanity being part of the wholesome ‘Supreme’. Dr Aniruddh Subhedar Very few people know that “Juggernaut” is derived from Sanskrit word “Jagannath,” most revered Hindu god literally meaning “Lord of the world”. In early 19th century, Christian missionaries spread malicious propaganda […]

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Growing Clout, Footprint

Bharat’s businesses have come off age, taken over several global brands, top line corporates lock, stock, barrel or partnered in US, UK & Europe K.A.Badarinath Two large deals sealed in just one week speak volumes about Indian corporates verve, gut and appetite for going global. Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) and Walt Disney tango in Bharat’s […]

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Silent Threat, Spread of Anti-Americanism!

Senators and Congressmen, women funded by foreign lobbies pose a serious threat to America’s security, integrity and its cohesion. Pummy Pandita It’s for United States Congress to defend American values and interests. Nonetheless, existence of senators with questionable ties and conduct imply that they might not put Americans welfare first. Anti-Americanism within US Congress has […]

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Bharat, force for Strength & Stability

In 78-years post-British imperialistic occupation, Bharat is on way to become ‘Vishwa Guru’ and pursuer of ‘Vishwa Maitri’ in right earnest. K.A.Badarinath Bharat is celebrating her seventy eighth independence day after having fought imperialist British occupation and monarchy. Before the ignominious exit of 1947, Britain has had for decades looted Bharat’s wealth, resources and hit […]

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RSS Initiative To Revive Family Bonding, Values

Dr.  Shailendra Kumar Pathak In a rapidly evolving world, family structures and values are undergoing significant transformations. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a prominent socio-cultural organization in Bharat, has recognized the importance of preserving and revitalizing family values amidst the encroaching influences of Western lifestyles, consumerism, and woke culture. Through its Family Awakening Programme, the […]

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Hindu Genocide Unfolding in Bangladesh

The situation in Bangladesh has reached a critical and alarming juncture, with a systematic and coordinated campaign targeting the Hindu community through acts of violence, destruction, and terror. This genocide, characterized by the deliberate annihilation of Hindu religious and cultural sites, as well as the targeted killings and displacement of individuals, poses an existential threat […]

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