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Grooming Gangs, Forced Conversions, and Sexual Jihad - Truth That The Quint Ignores

Grooming Gangs, Forced Conversions, and Sexual Jihad: Truth That The Quint Ignores

Rohan Giri

The article published by The Quint under the title “‘Zalim Hindu’ Porn: How AI is Mass Producing Pornographic Images of Muslim Women” is a classic example of selective outrage, deliberate victimhood, and an attempt to whitewash an issue that has been a global concern: the systematic targeting, abuse, and exploitation of non-Muslim women by Islamist networks. The piece, while raising concerns about AI-generated images, fails to acknowledge the far more sinister, real-world atrocities committed under the guise of religious supremacy, sexual jihad, and the systematic grooming of women across the world.

Furthermore, The Quint’s report ignores the mindset that underpins these systemic abuses in addition to misrepresenting the extent of the problem. It reveals an underlying bias by focusing on Muslim women as the main targets of digital manipulation while neglecting the real, physical, and pervasive crimes against non-Muslim women. Those who have actually suffered under theocratic despotism and radical Islamist exploitation are marginalized by this selective reporting, which feeds a false perception. The article diverts attention from the deeply rooted issues within radicalized portions of society rather than addressing the real offenders.

If journalism’s purpose is to reveal injustice and defend the victims, The Quint’s strategy is dreadfully inadequate. Rather than advocating for responsibility and significant change, it feeds a false narrative that downplays the pain of thousands of women around the globe. Whether it is through love jihad or forced conversions in South Asia, institutionalized oppression in Islamist-dominated nations, or grooming gangs in the UK, the very real and systematic targeting of non-Muslim women must be included in any meaningful conversation about gender-based violence. Failing to do so not only makes such journalism less credible, but it also gives the very forces that support these abuses more power.

Global Patterns of Exploitation:

1. Love Jihad in India and South Asia

  • Across India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, Islamist networks have targeted Hindu, Sikh, and Christian women under the pretext of ‘love’ and marriage, only to convert and exploit them.
  • In Kerala, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) has documented multiple cases where young Hindu and Christian women were deceived into relationships, radicalized, and trafficked to ISIS territories.
  • Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs have seen a surge in abductions of their daughters, forcibly converted and married to Muslim men, stripping them of their rights and identities.
  • Bangladesh has seen an increase in targeted grooming of Hindu girls, often under threat of violence.
  • A 2019 report by the Movement for Solidarity and Peace in Pakistan noted that nearly 1,000 Hindu and Christian girls are abducted, raped, and forcibly converted annually.

2. Grooming Gangs in the UK and Europe

  • The well-known Rotherham grooming scandal in UK, where Pakistani Muslims sexually abused around 1,400 minor white British girls, is just one among many cases.
  • Similar grooming gangs have been uncovered in Rochdale, Telford, and other cities, with the same design: vulnerable non-Muslim girls are lured, raped, and trafficked.
  • In France, Germany, and Sweden, officials have reported an formidable rise in sexual violence aligned to radical Islamist immigrants, where non-Muslim women are considered legitimate targets.
  • In 2020, a UK parliamentary inquiry revealed that officials had failed to act due to ‘political correctness,’ allowing molesters to continue their crimes for decades.

3. Sexual Harassment and Assault by Islamists

  • In Cologne, Germany (2015-16), mass sexual assaults were executed by North African and Middle Eastern Muslims on New Year’s Eve celebrations, with over one thousand women assaulted.
  • Sweden has seen a disproportionate rise in sexual violence, with a large number of culprits from Muslim-majority nations.
  • In France, gang rapes known as ‘tournantes’ (turn-taking) have explicitly targeted non-Muslim women.
  • ISIS explicitly used sex slavery against Yazidi women, justifying it through Islamic doctrine, with reports from survivors describing mass rapes, forced marriages, and religious indoctrination.

Selective Outrage: Ignoring the Real Perpetrators

The article focuses on AI-generated images as the ‘real’ attack on Muslim women while ignoring:

  • The documented cases of mass abductions and forced conversions of Hindu and Sikh girls in South Asia.
  • The ongoing sexual slavery of non-Muslim women in Islamist-dominated regions.
  • The Islamist-backed grooming networks exploiting minors in the UK and Europe.
  • The ideology that promotes the ownership and degradation of non-Muslim women as a religious or supremacist act.
  • In the Indian state of Maharashtra, over one lakh complaints of love jihad and religious conversion have been registered.
  • Many of the states such as Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra are forced to introduce legislation against this methodological madness.

Instead of addressing these grave violations, the article cherry-picks instances that align with its victimhood narrative, conveniently sidestepping the global reality of Islamist sexual exploitation.

Hypocrisy on Women’s Rights

The article’s attempt to paint Muslim women as ‘targets’ is ironic considering that:

  • Muslim women are subjected to the most severe forms of oppression within Islamic nations, including female genital mutilation (FGM), polygamy, honor killings, compulsory hijabs, and legal discrimination in Islamic societies.
  • Women like Shah Bano were faced hardships from religious extremists for seeking her fundamental rights, yet no outrage is shown against the forces that truly oppress Muslim women.
  • In Iran, women are arrested and beaten for refusing to wear hijab, yet the same activists who claim to fight for Muslim women’s rights remain silent.
  • In Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, women don’t have basic rights like driving, education, and voting.
  • Islamist extremists openly justify marital rape, with Islamic clerics in Pakistan and the Middle East expressing that a woman has no right to refuse her husband’s sexual demands.

Weaponizing Victimhood to Mask Real Aggression

The article deliberately ignores the well-documented Islamist strategy of using sexual exploitation as a form of religious and demographic warfare. Rather, it erases the pervasive atrocities experienced by non-Muslim women while selectively highlighting a specific internet concern.

  • Taharrush gamea, or group harassment, is a common practice in Egypt, Syria, and many Islamic countries. It involves Muslim men collectively trapping and sexually abusing women, especially non-Muslims.
  • Thousands of Christian girls have been abducted and sexually exploited by Boko Haram in Nigeria, who have forced them into marriage and conversion.
  • Muslim men in Pakistan were publicly announcing their plans to seduce, marry, and convert Sikh and Hindu women as a means of religious conquest.
  • In Indonesia, a country often cited as ‘moderate,’ local Islamic leaders have justified child marriages and the forced conversion of non-Muslim brides.

Media Complicity and Suppression of Truth

Western and Indian mainstream media often remain silent on these crimes due to fears of offending Islamist groups or being labeled ‘Islamophobic.’

  • UK police admitted they ignored grooming gang crimes for years to avoid ‘racial tensions.’
  • The BBC and The Guardian actively downplayed Rotherham and Rochdale grooming cases, refusing to acknowledge their religious and ethnic patterns.
  • Indian media outlets regularly suppress Love Jihad cases, dismissing them as ‘fake narratives’ despite overwhelming evidence.
  • Journalists and researchers exposing these crimes are often harassed, silenced, or censored by Big Tech and media organizations aligning with Islamo-leftist propaganda.

Erasing Non-Muslim Women’s Trauma for Political Gains

While the article condemns the supposed fetishization of Muslim women in AI-generated images, it ignores the rampant objectification, abuse, and sexual slavery of non-Muslim women by Islamist radicals. The trauma of thousands of Hindu, Sikh, Yazidi, and Christian women is dismissed in favor of manufactured outrage over online content.

Addressing the Real Issue

If there is to be a discussion on sexual violence, it must include the very real, ongoing atrocities committed under Islamist doctrines worldwide. To focus solely on AI images while ignoring mass rapes, forced conversions, and systematic abuse of non-Muslim women is not just hypocritical—it is complicit in enabling the true perpetrators.

Women’s safety is a global issue, and it is high time that the world confronts the well-documented, systematic targeting of non-Muslim women instead of peddling selective outrage to divert attention from real-world crimes.

This is not about any phobia, as propagandists might claim; it is about recognizing and combating a dangerous ideology that continues to wreak havoc on innocent women across the globe. Until these harsh realities are acknowledged, any conversation on gender-based violence remains incomplete, biased, and morally bankrupt.

(Author: Rohan Giri is a journalism graduate from Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) New Delhi, and Manager Operations at CIHS.)



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