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RSS Reflects Bharat’s Soul, Spirit & Identity

Congress creating fuss on government officials being allowed to associate with Sangh is regressive and part of self-centred political machinations

Vinod Kumar Shukla

The July 9, 2024 order of Indian government lifting restrictions on government officials from associating with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has kicked up a needless row.

RSS Reflects Bharat’s Soul, Spirit & Identity

An authoritarian decision of then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on November 30, 1966 was overturned by Narendra Modi government. Indira Gandhi’s alibi to restrict government officials from participating in RSS activities was that they should keep away from ‘political parties or any organisation which takes part in politics’.

While impugned order related to government officials keeping away from politics, extending it RSS was untenable as it’s an all-embracing Hindu centric organization that’s neck deep in bringing about change.

Self-centred political machinations of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and later Indira Gandhi led Congress led to ban on RSS rather than latter being a political entity. Well, Congress leadership seems to have gone one step further to create a ruckus in the Parliament and outside on lifting restrictions on government officials freely involving themselves in selfless service activities of the Sangh.

Home Ministry directive issued earlier this month referred to previous orders of November 30, 1966, July 25, 1970 and October 28, 1980. It stated that these instructions have been reviewed and decided to remove RSS from these orders meant for political entities.

On all three occasions, RSS was banned and restrictions imposed owing to selfish Congress leadership that never allowed any other organization to flourish in socio-economic space post-independence from imperial British rule. Successive Congress governments were forced to lift restrictions and ban on RSS given the ‘tyrannical nature’ of the political decisions at highest level.

Nehru-led government first banned RSS in 1948 hiding behind assassination of Mahatma Gandhi instead of accepting its administrative failure. It’s well established that a disinformation campaign was unleased by Congress and its cohorts to falsely implicate RSS in assassination of Mahatma Gandhi which exposed its hollowness and reeked lack of ‘fair play’ in public space.

From Kapur Commission to many subsequent writings clearly suggest that Sangh has no role in Mahatma’s assassination whatsoever.  But for political gains and appeasement politics of Congress, lies about RSS involvement were peddled for decades and even today.

On each of the occasions that Nehru or people from Congress first family were on slippery ground of losing power, they resorted to such tactics and gimmicks in the past to divert the peoples’ attention. Congress history is replete with suggestions that Nehru was not the popular choice to be appointed Prime Minister. It was he was Mahatma Gandhi’s intervention that led to Nehru’s coronation.

Knowing very well that post-independence euphoria would evaporate shortly and nationalist ideology was gaining credence, Gandhi’s assassination was used to discredit RSS. By doing so, Nehru sought to consolidate his position within the fledgling Congress and outside.

 Painting RSS with ‘communal’ taint has been part of Congress’ larger divisive political agenda and it put up a smoke screen on its pro-Muslim agenda and appeasing Muslims.

Secularism was added to Preamble of the Constitution in 1976 through a Constitutional amendment. Carving out a minorities’ ministry, Waqf Act, Shah Bano case, Places of Worship Act and proposed Communal and Targeted Violence Bill are some examples that reflect anti-Hindu agenda of Congress.

This is where Congress feels threatened by the RSS especially after its gradual decision in political space. Contrary to Congress allegations or charges, RSS is all inclusive and not elitist or exclusive organization. Sangh is more focused on socio-economic transformative projects that translate to social transformation.Over 125,000 service projects across economic empowerment, education and healthcare are being run Sangh swayamsevaks, parivar affiliates and in partnership with community-led organizations. From running schools in far-flung tribal areas to providing healthcare with a healing touch amongst most neglected tribal groups through selfless volunteerism is something RSS has done all through.

RSS has been continuously engaged in rebuilding the nation in last 99-years and it continues to double up its efforts as the Sangh enters the centennial year in 2025.RSS contribution to national security, unity, integrity and Swayamsevaks selfless service during natural disasters is something that one cannot easily forget. Social leadership evolved by RSS to run these service projects is unique in trying circumstances.

Lifting restrictions on government employees participation or association with RSS would only strengthen the Indian democratic credentials that are open and flexible sans intolerance of Congress variety.

Rahul Gandhi’s comparison of RSS with theocratic and regressive Muslim Brotherhood and claims of Muslim League being a rounded secular organisation reflects Congress leadership’s mind-set that’s anti-Hindu and anti-Bharat.

Sangh, by no stretch of imagination can be designated as a political organisation. Congress and its ecosystem shameless spread of lies on RSS only reflects the oldest political party’s degenerative positioning in ideological terms. In the process, the grand old party has easily forgotten that many of its former members have moved on to the Sangh parivar bandwagon. Also, on its rolls there are several leaders that have been groomed by RSS in their formative years.

Even on independence movement, contributions and yeoman role played by several organizations including RSS have been systematically relegated to side-lines even as Congress continues to seek complete control on the legacy of the struggles against colonial rule.

Latest decision of Modi government to lift restrictions on government employees joining or participating in RSS activities was logical extension of Hindu renaissance that has redefined Bharat’s spirit, soul and identity.

(Author is a senior journalist and associated with Centre for Integrated and Holistic Studies, a non-partisan think-tank based in New Delhi)

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